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Guide: Update an existing WorkflowHub entry

Registering a new version of an existing workflow

Instructions for workflows imported via Git

  1. Open the registry entry for your workflow
  2. Select the Actions dropdown menu (top right)
  3. Select New Version
  4. Confirm the original URL for the Git repository, or add a new URL if the workflow is now in a different repository
  5. Click Register
  6. Select the specific Branch or Tag that you would like to import to WorkflowHub
  7. Click Continue
  8. If needed, update the metadata for your workflow
  9. Click Register

Instructions for manually uploaded workflows

To create a new workflow version, the current version must be Frozen, which prevents any further modification. This is also the case for DOI minting, as this process requires a fixed version for archiving.

  1. Open the registry entry for your workflow
  2. Select the Actions dropdown menu (top right)
  3. Select Freeze Version: this locks the existing version of the workflow and prevents further changes
  4. Select the Actions dropdown menu again
  5. Select New Version
  6. You can now choose to Upload/Import files, or you can switch to Import Git Version for the new version
  7. If needed, update the required metadata for the new workflow version
  8. Click Register

Editing the metadata for your workflow

  1. Open the registry entry for your workflow
  2. Select the Actions dropdown menu (top right)
  3. Select Edit Workflow
  4. Update the required metadata
  5. Click Update

Setting up automated WorkflowHub / Git synchronisation

More details coming soon!