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Acceptable Use Policy

  1. You may use the Australian Nextflow Seqera Service to manipulate, analyse and interpret data for the purposes of research, or research training.
  2. If you process data using the Australian Nextflow Seqera Service you shall ensure that you comply with applicable laws of the Commonwealth of Australia, as well as laws of other applicable jurisdictions relating to the sensitivity, provenance, intended use, ownership, or licensing imposed on the data being processed.
  3. If you configure a compute environment within a workspace, you must abide by the terms of access and use of that compute environment.
  4. You agree to interact with the Australian Nextflow Seqera Community (defined as other users of the service, technical support staff, operational staff, and those involved in the governance of the service) in a responsible and respectful manner at all times, consistent with the Australian BioCommons Code of Conduct.
  5. The following uses of the Australian Nextflow Seqera Service are explicitly forbidden:
    • The deliberate or reckless creation, transmission, storage, downloading, or display of any offensive or menacing images, data, metadata or other material, or any data capable of being resolved into such images or material
    • Use which constitutes an infringement of any intellectual property rights of another person or legal entity
    • Attempt to or circumvent the appropriate authentication or access control measures, security or restrictions on the use of a registered account, including the unauthorised distribution or use of tools of any kind for compromising security
    • Communications which would be actionable under the law of defamation
    • Use for private or business purposes other than research or research training
    • Deliberate or reckless undertaking of activities which seek to or result in:
      • The imposition of (or attempted imposition of) an unreasonable burden on the Operational Partners and Support teams
      • Corruption of or disruption to data stored on the Service, or to the data of another user
      • Disruption to other users
      • Introduction or transmission of malware into the system.
  6. Other uses of the Service are only permitted with the written permission of the Australian Nextflow Seqera Service Manager (contact via