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ToolFinder’s purpose is to present a landscape view of bioinformatics software packages & tools installed across Australian national computational infrastructures, including:

ToolFinder also:

  1. Presents relevant metadata for each of these tools, which is sourced from,
  2. Provides connections to other global registries as appropriate, and based on user feedback (e.g. BioContainers), and
  3. Provides, where possible, the ability to directly access (or launch) bioinformatics tools. The only current example of launching tools is for Galaxy Australia.

How was the list generated?

Please see the GitHub repository that compiles the ToolFinder metadata input for more details.

Please cite ToolFinder as follows

[Citation information goes here]


Please see these video tutorials available through the Australian BioCommons YouTube Channel:



This resource would not be possible without the following contributors.


Alain-Dominique Gorse

Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation (QCIF), Brisbane, Queensland

Bert Droesbeke

Bert Droesbeke


Dale Roberts

National Computational Infrastructure, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory

Gareth Price

Gareth Price

Research Computing Centre, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland


Jeffrey H Christiansen

Australian BioCommons, Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation (QCIF) University of Queensland, University of Melbourne

Johan Gustafsson Lead / author

Johan Gustafsson

Australian BioCommons, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria

Marco De La Pierre

Marco De La Pierre

Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre, Perth, Western Australia

Minh Vu Author

Minh Vu

Australian BioCommons, University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales

Nigel Ward

Nigel Ward

Australian BioCommons, Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation (QCIF) University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland

Sarah Beecroft

Sarah Beecroft

Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre, Perth, Western Australia

Uwe Winter Author

Uwe Winter

Australian BioCommons, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria

Acknowledgements / citations / credits


This work is supported by the Australian BioCommons via funding from Bioplatforms Australia and the Queensland Government Research Infrastructure Co-investment Fund (RICF) programme. Bioplatforms Australia is funded by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).

ToolFinder makes use of the ELIXIR toolkit theme

Elixir Toolkit Theme logo
