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Category: Metagenomics

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ONTViSc pipeline on HPC using Australian Nextflow Seqera Service This is a guide outlining how to set up and execute the ONTViSc pipeline on three high-performance computing systems hosted by Australian research and computing facilities - Lyra (Queensland University of Technology), Gadi (National Computational Infrastructure) and Setonix (Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre). Throughout this guide we make use of the Australian Nextflow Seqera Service provided to researchers by Australian BioCommons.
Metagenomics WorkflowHub entry
Shotgun metagenomics workflow with MetaPhlAn2 on Galaxy Australia This How-to Guide describes how to use the shotgun metagenomics workflow with MetaPhlAn2 on Galaxy Australia. The workflow is using the tools MetaPhlAn2 for taxonomy classification and HUMAnN2 for functional profiling of the metagenomes.
Metagenomics WorkflowHub entry