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Contribute: How to add contributors

The Elixir Toolkit theme allows you to show who has contributed to the site as a whole, as well as those who have contributed to individual pages.

All contributors to this site are listed on the Contributors page.

The listed contributors are populated from the _data/CONTRIBUTORS.yml

For each contributor, an indented block of text is used and links are automatically generated, including automatically pulling the user’s GitHub profile photo if a GitHub username is listed.

If you make a contribution to this resource, please feel free to add yourself to the list!

The block of text should look like this:

Firstname Lastname:
    git: github_username
    orcid: 0000-1234-5678-9012
    role: users_role
    affiliation: declared affiliation (not linked)

Once a user is listed in this way in this file, a tile will be generated on the Contributors page. This is done by using the following code:

{% include contributor-tiles-all.html %}

To add a contributor on an individual page, the name of the contributor (Firstname Lastname as above), must be added to the yaml front matter of the page:

This would look something like:

title: Australian Legal Landscape
contributors: [Bernie Pope, Marion Shadbolt]
toc: true

Contributor chips are then automatically listed at the bottom of the page.
