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Option-1: A single page How-to Guide

What needs to be updated for a single page guide?

For a single page How-to Guide all of your content (i.e. the information or guidance you would like to share) should be added to

Updating the main How-to Guide page:

  1. Open
  2. Add content to this file
  3. Option: use an existing template for the markdown content to make your life easier: see page templates section. Don’t forget to include the yaml header content (see below)
  4. Update the yaml header content.
    • You need to add a title,
    • You may also add contributors, a description and affiliations
title: [How-to Guide template]
contributors: [Johan Gustafsson]
description: Add a plain text description here.
affiliations: [Australian BioCommons]
  1. If you have added contributors or affiliations proceed to the next step and update additional files

Page templates

The template repository already contains some example structures that can be used for the content of, and include:

To use any of these examples, simply copy the markdown content from the relevant example file into the file in your repository.