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Guides: Creating a new How-to Guide repository

  1. Fork the template repository available at this link to create a new repository in your GitHub account or organisation.
  1. Understand the repository structure

The repository has the following directories and files:

Directory / file Description
_data Directory containing sidebar configuration files (e.g. /_data/sidebars/main.yml) as well as affiliations.yml and CONTRIBUTORS.yml which contain important metadata for the guide.
_sass Directory for all *.scss files: you should not need to modify these files, unless you wish to change the theme (colours or structure).
assets Directory for core image files (i.e. /assets/img) used by the remote theme.
pages Directory where all guide content pages should be stored: new directories can be added as needed within /pages.
images Directory for all images included in the guides.
_config.yml Main configuration file which specifies high level metadata, the remote theme being used, and any optional settings required.
CITATION.CFF A citation file format (CFF) file, which is a standard way of representing citation metadata and which can be included in GitHub repositories to provide guidance for others on how-to-cite your repository and its contents. A page that lists all contributors to the repository: i.e. those listed in CONTRIBUTORS.yml. The landing page for the web pages deployed from the repository: contains general information, how-to-cite information, acknowledgements and references.
LICENSE A license file. The README for the GitHub repository, which contains general information describing the contents of the repository.