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Guides: Acknowledge contributions


Every time you add a contributor to an individual page (step 4 in a single page or multi-page guide), you need to update the CONTRIBUTORS.yml file, which can be found in the /data directory.

This ensures that the added contributor:

  1. Has their name included on each guide page where it has been added to the yaml header, and
  2. Is provided with a tile in the Contributors section on the page

The text you add to `CONTRIBUTORS.yml should be in this format:

Firstname Lastname:
    git: github_username
    orcid: 0000-1234-5678-9012
    role: users_role
    affiliation: declared affiliation (not linked)

Updating affiliations.yml

Every time you add a new affiliation to an individual page (step 4 in a single page or multi-page guide), you need to update affiliations.yml, which can be found in the /_data directory.

If you use affiliations in the yaml header content of any page, this will require this specific affiliation information to be available.

A new example affiliation is available below: note that it also includes an image / logo which should be added to the /images directory.

- name: Galaxy Australia
  image_url: /images/infrastructures/galaxy-aust-logo-portrait-CMYK.png
  expose: true
  type: infrastructure