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Guides: Creating GitHub releases and Zenodo DOIs

GitHub & Zenodo

  1. Create a GitHub release
  2. Link your repository to Zenodo. More information is available in GitHub docs.

Adding the DOI to your guide

  1. Update the DOI field in the CITATION.cff file: example here
  1. Add the DOI (or even a complete citation!) into your how-to cite instructions on the page. See example below:
Gustafsson, J., Al Bkhetan, Z., Shadbolt, M., Murigneux, V., Williams, S., 
Capon, P., Khan, F. Z., & Nelson, T. (2023). How-to Guide for creating a 
How-to Guide (Version 1.0.0) [Computer software].
cff-version: 0.0.0
message: "Please cite as below."
  - family-names: [family name goes here]
    given-names: [given names go here]
    orcid: [ORCID goes here]
title: "Title of repository goes here"
version: 0.0.0
doi: [DOI goes here]
date-released: YYYY-MM-DD